Progressive Leasing
Progressive Leasing is a fintech company that partners with retailers nationwide to lease products to the credit challenged consumer. The product I worked on for them was their main consumer website & mobile application available on The App Store, and Google Play.
User Personas
Who will use this product? 
"Michael" & "Maria" (Our main demographic) frequently posture a confident air, but often find themselves overwhelmed with their financial reality. With spending priorities and behaviors that can seem undisciplined, they frequently become financially overcommitted. Despite confidence in their financial skills and knowledge, they struggle with awareness of funding options(research), approval requirements(get denied), and affordability (late & missed payments). They want to be perceived as important, valued, and informed, while avoiding being perceived or treated as inferior.
Working together as a team 
I was on a team of 6 people. One product manager, 3 developers, 1 QA, and 1 product designers. As the sole designer I did all the research, design, prototyping, testing, and iterations.
Tools: Figma,
Problem ​​​​​​​
How to improve customer experience and retention?
• Our app has a couple major benefits over our desktop/web experience, and those are access to ProgAnywhere product, and easy biometric login. 
• Increasing app downloads will give users a better experience by giving them access to the latest and greatest features like ProgAnywhere which allows users to shop a catalog of leasable products.
• If users have our app they are more likely to come back and use our services again in the future.
Make app download easier
We knew that advertising our app to users in more places would help, but we also wanted to make it as easy as possible to find and download it.
Competitive research and Analytics
According to our competitive analysis many competitors and large companies gave the option to scan a QR code as well as receive a text with a link to download the app when on desktop.​​​​​​​
We did a lot of exploration (see below), not only on the look and feel of the CTA but where it would be placed to get the best adoption.
High fidelity prototype
After much exploration we created a high fidelity prototype for 3 major areas we would place the CTA in (Dashboard (mobile), Log in, Dashboard (Desktop)).
Huge increase in downloads! 
• Despite launching this in July we got an increase of 94,000 downloads y/y.
• Our goal for the year was 902,000 downloads and we got 94% of the way there despite launching half way through the year.
• As you can see after we launched we exceeded our forecast by around 10k each month.
Plans for the future 
We initially wanted to add the CTA to the homepage but there were a couple hurdles that got in the way and prevented us from doing that. So we planned on doing that in the future.
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